

Monday, 3 February 2014

Journey to the 'Glorious' US and A.

It was the day of departure and I was in Hyderabad to catch the flight. Unfortunately my dad has a mighty number of relatives in Hyderabad. Mind you, I do not mean uncles and aunts when I say relatives. It consisted of my dads cousins, first cousins, second cousins and so on up to infinity and their respective children and parents and grand parents. Due to some kind of logic which I will never understand, he decided that its necessary to visit the houses of all the relatives and bid goodbye to them and take their blessings. If the Neanderthals are alive I have no doubt that my dad would have urged me to take their blessings too. I bet even Hector of Troy on his last battle with Achilles would have had a less ceremonious goodbye. Its kind of ridiculous to bid goodbye to people you never met. I did and it was extremely tiring, frustrating for an introvert like me. 

Finally at 11 PM with sore legs from all the travelling I boarded the flight to Dubai. There were no emotional goodbyes. I could barely sleep at all. When the flight landed in Dubai I was eager to snap pics of Burj Dubai. Not so lucky. Visibility was very very low. Its a desert and it was windy. I could barely see 500 meters ahead. I was amazed that the pilot could land the aircraft. In Dubai I met a fellow passenger from Gujarat. He was worried that he may not get the visa for his connecting flight. At Dubai I caught the flight to New York and my fellow passenger got his visa much to his relief.  

My co-passenger was a gorgeous young woman in her twenties. She is a student of medicine and she was returning from India. She seemed to have traveled a lot. She was kind enough to let me use her phone upon landing to call a friend of mine. I barely slept during the journey. So I wasn't jet-lagged upon landing, instead I was sleep deprived and tired. To enter a country one needs the approval of the immigration check officer. There I was with shabby hair, blood red eyes and pissed off. I was half convinced that he would send me back to India as I looked very much like a zombie. He let me pass and I entered the US and A . 

Its been almost 6 months since I landed in the USA and I have a lot to write about. It deserves a post of its own. Will be back soon.

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